1. The licensee is aware of his obligations under the existing legislation.
2. The venue will train its staff in all the aspects of the relevant legislation.
3. Digital CCTV cameras will be installed internally and will operate during the hours of sale of alcohol.
4. Tapes will be retained for 31 days or if it is a digital recording system the memory will last for 10 days.
5. Recordings will be made available to Police and other agencies including the Local Authority.
6. An incident report book will be maintained at the premises.
7. All incidents will be reported to and monitored by E.H. Booth Limited’s Customer Service Manager.
8. The premises shall not open to the public until all of the responsible authorities have visited the premises (if they so require) and confirmed the premises are safe to open.
9. The premises shall not open to the public until any relevant safety certificates have been provided to the responsible authorities.
10. A Fire Evacuation Plan will be agreed with the Fire Authority.
11. All staff shall have received training on the safe evacuation of the premises in the event of an emergency and such training shall be repeated at least annually. A record of the training provided shall be kept at the premises for at least 12 months and will be made available to the fire service or Council.
12. Adequate arrangements will be made in the Fire Evacuation Plan to ensure the safe evacuation of any disabled persons in the event of an emergency.
13. All fire escape routes and access to emergency vehicles shall be kept unobstructed and will be clearly identifiable.
14. All fire exit doors shall be available and shall be capable of opening without the use of any key, card, code or similar means.
15. Fire doors will be self closing and shall not be held open other than by devices approved by the fire service.
16. Notices detailing the action to be taken in the event of fire or other emergency will be prominently displayed in the premises.
17. Fire alarm/fire evacuation/emergency lighting tests will be carried out at least monthly and a record maintained of those tests such records to be kept at the premises for at least 12 months and made available to the fire service and Council.
18. All fire fighting equipment will be maintained in good working order and shall be available for immediate use. Such equipment will be inspected annually by a competent person and records of those inspections must be kept at the premises for at least 12 months and made available for inspection by the fire service and Council.
19. All emergency lighting and fire safety signage will be maintained in good working order and will not be altered without the approval of the Fire Authority. The emergency lighting will be capable of lasting at full capacity for not less than 3 hours.
20. All electrical installations will be inspected by a competent person before the expiry of the current electrical certificate and the certificate issued will be the current standard form certificate issued by that competent person’s professional body.
21. If any work is undertaken to the electrical installation it will be inspected, tested and certified by a competent person as soon as possible.
22. Point of sale notices will be displayed advising that any person who appears under the age of 21 will be asked for proof of age.
23. Training will be given to all staff of the consequences for adults who buy alcohol on behalf of children.
24. All refusals will be recorded in a refusals book kept in store and monitored by Customer Services Manager.
25. Training will be provided to new members of staff on the sale of intoxicating liquor on the first day they are employed. Those courses include training in young customer recognition.
26. Any new employees under the age of 18 will not work on the tills until they have completed training and management have assessed them as competent in the sale of intoxicating liquor.
27. Employees will accept photographic identification as proof of age to confirm that a customer is legally entitled to purchase alcohol. E.g.:
Picture driving licence
Connexions card
Validate UK
Portman card