The maximum number of persons allowed in these premises shall be 80.
There shall be in place for the premises a written admissions policy to prevent the sale or supply of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age. That policy shall require any person who appears to be under the age of 18 years to produce a recognised proof of age card accredited under the Proof of Age Standards Scheme (PASS) a citizen card supported by the Home Office, a photo driving licence, a passport or office HM Forces or EU ID card bearing photo and date of birth.
A notice or notices shall be displayed in and at the entrance to the premises where they can be clearly seen and read and shall indicate that it is unlawful for persons under 18 to purchase alcohol or for any person to purchase alcohol on behalf of a person under 18 years of age.
There shall be displayed on the premises notice(s) to warn members of the public visiting the premises of the incidence of crime, which may affect them. The notice(s) shall be displayed and securely fixed and clearly visible to members of the public.
There shall be displayed at the entrance to the premises a sign, which is clearly visible to members of the public visiting those premises containing details of the trading hours under the Premises Licence, the licensable activities permitted on those premises and any maximum occupancy level set for the premises. (See also CD17).
When disabled persons are present on the premises there shall be in place arrangements for their safe evacuation in the case of an emergency or other reason. Details of those arrangements shall be recorded in writing and all staff employed on the premises shall be aware of those arrangements.
All disabled persons on the premises shall be made aware of the evacuation arrangements.
All exits and escape routes to those exits (including external escape routes) from the premises shall be provided with slip resistant even surfaces and shall be maintained in good repair, correct working order and kept free from all obstructions when the public are on the premises. External escape routes shall also be kept free from ice and snow.
The nosings on all steps and landings shall be maintained so that they are clearly visible by painting them in contrasting colours or other similar means.
All exit doors and gates from premises or enclosure(s) surrounding it shall be capable of being opened by any person without the use of a key, card, code or other similar means and be kept free from all fastening devices when the premises are open to the public.
The furniture or seating in premises shall be arranged so that it does not obstruct any exit, route to any exit or to any facility within the premises.
The premises shall be maintained so that the following fire retardancy standards are complied with:
() All upholstered seating meets on a continuous basis the pass criteria for smouldering ignition source 1 and crib ignition source 5 when tested in accordance with section 5 of BS 5852:1990.
() All repairs or refurbishment of existing seating or upholstery shall include the removal of untreated polyurethane foam and its replacement by fillings which conform to the Furniture and Furnishings (Safety) Regulations 1988 (as amended).
() Carpets - BS 4790 low radius of spread.
() Walls and Ceilings - Circulation areas, Building Regulations. Class O General Areas, BS 476 Class 1.
(v) All artificial foliage, floral decorations or any other decoration provided on the premises shall be of inherently flameproof material.
No curtain, hanging or any other decoration shall be positioned so as to obstruct any exit, sign or fire fighting equipment. Curtains covering doorways should be divided down the middle and so hung that the lower edge of the curtain does not touch the floor. They should not obstruct notices, exit signs, fire fighting equipment, etc.
At all times when the premises are used for the purpose of the *Licence/or Club Premises Certificate, the Licence Holder, a Club Official, Manager or Designated Premises Supervisor who is responsible for the management of the premises shall at all times be aware of the number of persons on the premises and shall if requested to do so give that information to an Authorised Officer of the Council, a Fire Officer or a Police Constable. (*delete as appropriate). See also CD17.
Clear and unobstructed access shall be available to the premises for use by the emergency services and emergency service vehicles at all times.
There shall be maintained on the premises at all times an adequate and appropriate supply of first aid equipment and materials.
At all times when the public are present, at least one person who holds a current recognised first aid certificate or award shall be present on the premises. Where more than one such person is present their duties shall be clearly defined.
When the public, members or guests are present, the lighting levels in all parts of the premises shall be capable of providing sufficient illumination for the public, members or guests to leave the premises safely and there shall be at least one person who is nominated to switch on the house lights in an emergency situation. (Note where the premises are a theatre or cinema, a complete or substantially complete blackout may be permitted for production reasons provided that the exit signs shall be kept lit at all times).
The premises shall be provided with adequate and accessible lavatory accommodation which shall at all times when the premises are in use be kept clean, ventilated, disinfected and supplied with hot and cold water, soap, toilet tissue, hand drying and sanitary towel disposal facilities as appropriate.
Emergency Lighting will be tested in accordance with BS 5266 Part 1, 1999 Emergency Lighting. The results of the tests will be recorded in a logbook. A satisfactory NICEIC (or equivalent) inspection report will be provided annually* to the Licensing Authority.
The electrical installation will be inspected and a satisfactory NICEIC (or equivalent) inspection report will be provided annually* to the Licensing Authority.
Fire fighting equipment shall be provided throughout the premises at suitable locations and be appropriate to the risk to comply with BS 5306 Part 8, Selection and Installation of Portable Fire Extinguishers.
Firefighting equipment shall be examined regularly by the manufacturer or other competent person and maintained and tested in accordance with BS 5306 Part 3, 2000.
All members of staff will be familiar with the operation of the firefighting equipment.
All staff shall be instructed and trained to ensure that they understand the fire precaution measures in the building and the procedure and action to be taken in the event of fire.
No nuisance shall be caused by noise coming from the premises or by vibration transmitted through the structure of the premises.
All external doors and windows shall be kept closed when regulated entertainment is being provided except in the event of an emergency.
The noise level from the premises whilst being used for public entertainments purposes shall not cause nuisance to noise sensitive dwellings in the vicinity.
Refuse such as bottles shall be disposed of from the premises at a time when it is not likely to cause a disturbance to residents in the vicinity of the premises.
There shall be no emission from the premises of any offensive smells, which are likely to cause a nuisance.
There shall be provided at the premises containers for the storage and disposal of waste foods and other refuse from the premises. Those containers shall be constructed, maintained and located so that access to them by vermin and unauthorised persons is prevented and arrangements shall be made for the regular lawful disposal of their contents.
No person under the age of 12 years, unless they are accompanied by a person over 18 years, shall be permitted on the premises at any time between 10.00 p.m. and 7.00 a.m. when the premises are being used for the purposes of a licensable activity other than the supply of alcohol..
All children are supervised at all times.