1. All staff and management will be trained on the main criteria of the Licensing Act 2003 especially with regards to the four licensing objectives.
2. Internal CCTV system in place.
3. No irresponsible drink promotions.
4. All members of staff concerned with the sale of alcohol to be trained with regard to the sale of alcohol and under 18s.
5. Any person who looks or appears to be under the age of 18 shall be asked to provide identification to prove that they are over the age of 18. The following are the only forms of identification acceptable:- UK photo driving licence, passport or pass card.
6. Free drinking water to make available at all times from the bar.
7. A first aid box on the premises and a first aider on the premises.
8. Fire extinguishers on the premises.
9. Fire exits clearly signed and Emergency exits will remain unobstructed at all times.
10. Emergency lighting, Fire escapes and smoke detectors on the premises.
11. Capacity for function room 120. No capacity limits for other areas of the Club.
12. Annual check to be allowed by the relevant bodies to ensure all safety features and measures are being complied with.
13. No drunk, unruly or disorderly people to be allowed entry to the premises.
14. Whilst regulated entertainment is in progress, all windows and doors to be closed.
15. Bottle skip to be emptied not earlier than 10a.m. daily.
16. Sign placed above door asking customers to leave quietly.
17. Calling taxis for customers to ensure that they are moved off the premises quickly and quietly.
18. Curtains to be closed at dusk to prevent light pollution.
19. Premises are a user of the “Prove it Scheme”.
20. No gaming or cigarette machines on sale.
21. No children aged 17 and under on the premises when adult entertainment arranged. All children (including staff) must vacate the premises 30 minutes prior to commencement of events.
22. The premises is a no smoking building.