1. Eaglesfield Village Hall Committee will provide a Village Hall Users Guide which will lay out the four Licensing objectives through policies.
2. There will, also, be a comprehensive Hire Agreement that will set out the four licensing objectives. It will be a requirement of the hirer to ensure that the groups using the hall are aware of the issues concerned.
3. Public Safety information will be publicised in the hall to ensure that the general public is aware of what to do in the event of an emergency etc.
4. Notices will indicate the need for respecting the residents around the hall etc.
5. We have security features that have been included in the development of the new village hall to minimise theft and robberies.
6. The hirers of the hall through the Hire Agreement and Village Hall Users Guide will be reminded of their legal obligations not to provide or sell alcohol to people under the age of 18 or allow the use or sale of illicit drugs.
7. The Village Hall Management committee will be liaising with the local community police service to heighten awareness of the venue.
8. Members of the public hiring the all will be required to adhere to the public safety guidelines set out in the Hire Agreement and the Village Hall Users Guide. These include In the event of a Fire Procedure, First Aid Procedure, Accident Reporting Procedure, COSHH Procedure and Food Safety Information.
9. Eaglesfield Village Hall Management Committee will commission regular fire safety testing and electrical testing.
10. Hirers of the Village Hall will be made aware of the need to minimise the level of noise outside the Village Hall especially late at night and early morning as it is in a residential area.
11. Parking will be monitored and hirers will be advised that parking will need to be managed to within the parking area and not restrict access to local residents.
12. Hirers will also be made aware of their obligation not to allow the provision of alcohol to those under the age of 18 years.
13. Events must finish at the time listed on the hire agreement.
14. All groups hiring the hall which involve children will be required to have child protection policies and responsible adults who have the required Criminal Records Bureau checks.
15. The Village Hall Management Committee will ensure that these procedures and documents are in place prior to the bookings taking place.