Must adhere to terms and conditions of hire agreement as reproduced below.
1. Supervision
The Hirer should be present during the period of hire and is responsible for the supervision and care of the hall, for ensuring good order during the period of use and for any damage caused to the premises. Accidents do however happen, so please let us know. A charge may be made for damage, breakage or for additional cleaning costs. Please bring your own rubbish bags and take your bagged rubbish home with you.
2. Use
The Hirer can only use the premises for the purpose described on the booking form. The booking is not transferable to others.
3. Times
The hall will be available for use during the times shown on the Hire Agreement & Booking Form. Please discuss with bookings secretary about time needed for preparation and clearing away
4. Maximum Numbers
These are described in our Premises Licence as follows: Total number including public, staff and performers shall not exceed 80 for all events (closely seated, dancing and cabaret, functions using tables and chairs, dancing only with a single row of seats around the perimeter).
5. Cancellation
The Village Hall Management Committee reserve the right to cancel a booking, close or prohibit the use of the hall at any time if required. Any deposit paid will be returned but the Village Hall Management Committee is not liable for any result loss arising from such a cancellation. The Hirer can cancel without loss up to 14 days before the event, after which the full hire fee will be payable.
6. Local Authority Premises Licence
The Hall is licenced for music, dancing and entertainment, but NOT for showing films or theatre performances. The Hall is NOT licensed for the sale of alcohol. The Hirer is responsible for obtaining such licenses as may be needed and advising the booking secretary of these. Note that, with respect to our neighbours, there must be no drinking outside the premises.
7. Public Safety
The Hirer shall comply with all conditions and regulations made in respect of the premises by the Fire Authority, Local Authority, Magistrates Court or other authority, particularly in connection with any event which includes public dancing or music or other similar public entertainment. Please keep noise disruption to local residents to a minimum.
8. Storage of Equipment
The Village Hall Committee accepts no responsibility for personal equipment brought into, or stored in the hall.
9. Decorations and alterations
The hirer must not attach decorations to the fabric of the hall without first discussing this with the bookings secretary.
10. Risk Assessment
The Hirer shall be responsible for carrying out their own risk assessment and, for public events, have their own public liability insurance as appropriate. The Hirer should ensure that any electrical equipment brought in by them is in good working order and used in a safe manner and that highly flammable substances, including candles and other naked flames are not brought into the building. All spillages should be cleared up immediately, and table and chairs safely stacked on completion of hire. The Hirer should ensure that they have a mobile phone available for emergency calls.
11. Fire safety
The Hirer should ensure they know the locations of fire exits, fire extinguishers and fire blanket and first aid kit. The Hirer should be familiar with the fire evacuation plan (displayed in the hall) which is to be followed in the event of a fire and be responsible for ensuring that all participants are aware of this.