1. Personal Licence Holder or Designated Premises Supervisor at the location at all times the licence is in operation.
2. All staff have had informal training on licensing matters.
3. Only SIA Registered Door Supervisors used in security duties.
4. Great North Air Ambulance volunteers to act as stewards for car parking and traffic control etc.
5. An incident book is kept at the location to record any incidents that may affect the running of the premises.
6. A drug policy is in force but no notices are displayed.
7. Lighting will be installed in bar, catering, toilet and stage areas.
8. Mobile phone contact system will be utilised in all areas.
9. All exits will be open and lit.
10. Sale of tickets will be restricted to 1,000.
11. First aid provision is provided in the stage area and by Great North Air Ambulance volunteers.
12. Smoke and lighting special effects will be limited to the stage.
13. All electrical equipment and lighting will be tested and/or installed by a qualified electrical engineer.
14. All generators will be grounded and tested by a qualified electrical engineer.
15. A one-way system of entry and exit (one entrance only with a separate exit) for all motor vehicles.
16. The site will be livestock free for a minimum of 10 days before the event.
17. Fire extinguishers will be provided in the stage, bar and catering areas.
18. Music level will be controlled by a MC from a central mixing desk.
19. Speakers will be mounted to face away from residential areas.
20. Staff will be appointed to patrol the outside area of the site at regular intervals to monitor noise levels.
21. The site will be cleared of all litter within 2 days of the event.
22. Notices will be fixed to all exits asking people to leave the site quietly.
23. Proof of age cards are required from anyone attempting to purchase alcohol who appears to be under age.
24. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
25. An unsupervised play area for children will be provided. Notices will be sited to this effect.