1. I will contact the agencies involved and will heed their advice to make sure our pub will run to the objectives as efficiently as possible.
2. I will join pubwatch and display crime prevention notices.
3. Incidents of crime & disorder which occur on or near to the premises which cause concern will be recorded in writing & reported to the pubwatch committee.
4. I will keep my first aid certificate up to date.
5. I have asked Environmental Health and Health & Safety departments to visit my premises to give advice on what we need to do to make our premises to standards set by them.
6. I will clearly mark escape routes.
7. Have safety equipment well maintained.
8. Exits will be unlocked at all times.
9. Display fire safety notices.
10. Have extinguishers regularly checked.
11. We have all doors & windows closed when regulated entertainment is being provided except in the event of an emergency.
12. I will have regular assessments of the noise coming from the premises on every occasion the premises has regulated entertainment & take steps to reduce the noise if it is likely to cause a disturbance with a written record.
13. I will dispose of waste properly.
14. I will check for any nuisance caused by lights, noise or smells from our premises.
15. I shall put in place in the premises a written policy to prevent the sale or supply of alcohol to persons under 18 years of age.
16. I will follow the Challenge 21 scheme and have on display some of the proof of age standards scheme forms.
17. We will challenge anyone we think is under age.
18. I will display a clearly seen notice indicating it is unlawful to sell to under 18s.