1. The facility is a school facility available for use by the community outside of school hours under the oversight of the Dean School Sports and Arts Facility Management Committee.
2. The terms of hire require that no offence is committed and no nuisance is caused to neighbours and that no obstruction to the highway is caused.
3. There shall be displayed on the premises such notice or notices as may from time to time be required by the Chief officer of police or other person involved in the reduction of crime in order to warn members of the public of the incidence of any crime which may affect them.
4. The facility is a modern, recently constructed building and is designed for use by Dean School. It has good access to and from it.
5. All exit routes and doors on such routes are checked on a regular basis.
6. The furniture or seating in the facility is arranged so as to ensure that it does not obstruct any exit or any route to any exit or to any other area within the building.
7. The terms of hire contain restrictions on hirers to prevent breach of planning conditions.
8. In addition, no activity is generally permitted to carry on after 10.30 pm.
9. The terms of hire require hirers to take responsibility for ensuring that no offense, nuisance or obstruction is caused.
10. All doors and windows in the facility are kept closed when regulated entertainment is being provided except in the event of an emergency.
11. No person under the age of 12 years, unless they are accompanied by a person over 18 years, shall be permitted on the premises at any time between 10 pm and 7 am when the premises are being used for the purpose of a licensable activity.