1. No person, or persons, who in our staff’s opinion are:-
(a) intoxicated;
(b) seem to be under the influence of illegal substances;
(c) too loud or boisterous; or
(d) be of unsavoury stature or countenance
will be served.
2. There is a notice that customers queue in an orderly fashion and observe the presence of other’s rights.
3. We make sure the queuing and serving area is always free of obstacles and clean and dry.
4. We carry a full first aid box on the premises.
5. 3 fire extinguishers, (1) 2 x 2kg CO2 (2) 1 x 6ltr foam, readily available and a fire blanket.
6. Assembly point for staff is at the rear, in a clear area.
7. We have a telephone.
8. Signs on prominent display, reminding customers that they must think of others, act in an orderly manner and make no unreasonable noise.
9. We do not allow customers to gather outside and we supply rubbish bins with black bag inserts for rubbish and we check outside the premises for litter several times during opening hours.
10. Young children (circa under 12 years) are not allowed on the premises unaccompanied by an adult (over 12 years). REPLACED BY VARIATION ON 15th AUGUST 2016.
11. No children allowed to loiter in or around the premises.