1. The designated premises supervisor will be on the premises or contactable at all times the licence is in operation.
2. All staff have had formal or informal training on licensing issues.
3. A CCTV system is installed to cover all internal public areas.
4. Off sales are restricted to the hours 11:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.
5. An incident book is kept on the premises to record any incidents relating to the operation of the premises.
6. The premises have a drug policy although this is not displayed.
7. Considering joining local Pubwatch Scheme.
8. The premises are equipped with emergency lighting.
9. The premises are well lit with both natural and artificial lighting.
10. An additional escape is available to the rear of the premises.
11. First aid provision is located in the kitchen area.
12. Recorded music is controlled from a secure location.
13. The premises are double glazed throughout.
14. A reasonable noise level is controlled and maintained by the staff.
15. The kitchen is fitted with a filtered extractor system.
16. A notice is displayed asking patrons to leave quietly.
17. Proof of age cards will be required from anyone who appears to be underage.
18. All children are required to be accompanied by an adult.
19. Children only permitted on the premises until 9:00 p.m. unless guests at a private party.