1. Staff will be trained to the standards required by relevant legislation.
2. The premises will be constructed in accordance with the enclosed supporting proposed plans or in the case of alterations to that drawing, any further drawings served on the responsible authorities prior to the opening of the premises.
3. CCTV shall be installed at the premises in consultation with the police.
4. CCTV recordings will be stored for a minimum period of time as agreed with the Police and during this period, made available to an authorised officer of the Licensing Authority or Police on request.
5. The requirement for door supervisors will be determined by a management risk assessment.
6. Toughened glass will be used at the premises where available.
7. Drinks promotions will not be permitted allowing unlimited supply of alcohol for a set price.
8. The premises licence holder shall take reasonable steps to ensure a representative shall participate in a Pub Watch scheme or similar scheme where available.
9. The company operates a policy of zero tolerance with regards to drugs.
10. The supporting proposed plans incorporate the means of escape, fire detection, fire fighting equipment and emergency lighting.
11. The premises will be risk assessed from time to time in accordance with relevant legislation.
12. The premises will be constructed and operated in accordance with Health and Safety and related legislation in order to ensure the safety of customers and staff.
13. Notices asking patrons to leave quietly shall be displayed at the premises.
14. Appropriate steps by management of the premises will be taken to ensure no under age sales will occur.
15. Persons under the age of 16 will only be permitted entry to the premises when trading if accompanied by an adult.