1. Proof of age 21 policy will be enforced.
2. All staff will be adequately trained.
3. First aid will be on hand.
4. Occupancy limit of 40 persons at any one time.
5. Doors and windows will be shut and background music at a minimum.
6. All licensees commit to ensure that all staff understand the social responsibilities associated with the sale and supply of alcohol.
7. Entry and exit policies including proof of age
8. Non-admission to persons who are drunk and/or disorderly.
9. Measures to promote sensible drinking.
10. Provision of adequate first aid equipment and first aiders.
11. Provision of satisfactory sanitary facilities.
12. Appropriate lighting and emergency lighting.
13. Provision and maintenance of ventilation equipment.
14. Keeping doors and windows shut.
15. Measures to be taken to ensure customers leave quietly and minimise disturbance to residents.
16. Zero tolerance policy towards persons who are persistently rowdy.
17. External litter bins.
18. Training of staff to ensure compliance with the law in relation to consumption of alcohol by persons under 18 years of age.
19. Measures to ensure that seating/standing arrangements are suitable for children.