1. The identification and prevention of any potential trouble likely to result in disorderly conduct or public nuisance.
2. Systems in place to ensure the safe use of the building by staff and customers.
3. A safe place for families to enjoy.
4. Promote ongoing partnerships with appropriate agencies and ensure effective staff training is provided.
5. It is proposed to have door staff trained to the required SIA scheme standards.
6. We would encourage working closely with the local police personnel.
7. CCTV system in all public areas of building.
8. Door supervisors on duty from 8 p.m. when premises are open after midnight and numbers to be employed to be agreed with the Police Authority.
9. Door supervisors to wear distinctive clothing and on site record be kept of when on duty.
10. Electrical testing of all equipment, both fixed and portable at specified times.
11. Emergency exit provisions to be suitably signed.
12. Fire Alarm system in accordance with British Standard Specification.
13. Public address system able to override other operating system i.e. DJ, Live Band or pre-recorded music facility.
14. Member of local pub watch and radio system scheme.
15. Noise levels to be kept to the levels set by Environmental Health.
16. Notices posted and door staff trained to ensure patrons leave the establishment in a quiet manner.
17. It is proposed that should the building be operated purely as a public house there will be no children allowed in the ground floor licensed areas after 6 p.m. and there will be no activities operating that are not suitable for children during the period 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
18. Should the building be operated as a restaurant children would be allowed in during opening hours, however, there will be no activities operating, that would not be suitable for children during the period.