1. Spyatstock will be held for the first time in 2014 and there will be a review within 2 months following the event, given that it may be held in future years. This review will be organised by Atown Festivals Ltd and involve all Responsible Authorities.
2. The License Holder will provide the Licensing Authority with a copy of the Site Plan and Event Safety Plan. Included in this shall be the Operational Management Structure for the event, setting out the key roles and responsibilities of the various duty holders, including identifying who has overall responsibility for complying with the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and responsibility for the whole event. The information provided must include all the Site Risk Assessments for the event.
3. The Event Management Team will liaise with all Responsible Authorities and provide proof of public liability insurance and relevant risk assessments by 16.05.14.
4. A professional event security team will be appointed and be supported by qualified or fully trained stewards. The operation will be overseen by a Festival Head of Security who will liaise with Cumbria Constabulary.
5. The numbers of professional security staff required to staff the event to be agreed with Cumbria Constabulary no later than 16.05.14.
6. Organisers will liaise with the Festival Head of Security with regards numbers of and times on site of SIA personnel and Stewards. Cumbria Constabulary are to receive the final number of overall SIA staff, broken down into SIA Personnel and Stewards respectively by 16.05.14 with consideration at certain times based on the level of activity, in line with the recommendations set by the Health and Safety Executive Safety Guide.
7. The interior and immediate vicinity of the site will be carefully monitored by security to prevent disorderly and violent behaviour. The immediate vicinity will be clearly defined on a map and agreed with Cumbria Constabulary by 16.05.14.
8. The physical layout of the site will be planned with crowd management and flow in mind and the security team briefed to prevent overcrowding in audience areas.
9. The professional security personnel will have a designated responsibility to maintain a safe environment for members of the public attending the event. SIA registered supervisors will be positioned at entrance gates, bars and stages and will patrol during each event.
10. Additional qualified or fully trained stewarding staff will provide support, monitoring other areas and patrolling the event.
11. All staff will be encouraged to be vigilant, identify suspicious behaviour and take appropriate action in the prevention of crime and disorder.
12. The Site perimeter fence will be erected and extra attention to be given to potential “flash points”. The Event Management Plan will contain a security policy for patrolling the event perimeter to prevent disorderly and violent behaviour and will be available for agreement and review by the EAG along with a site plan. Fencing will be of a standard to prevent, as far as is reasonably practicable any unlawful or unwanted access or egress.
13. A “No Drugs” policy to be adopted and advertised on tickets, marketing and promotional material and will include notification that all tickets holders may be subjected to a search upon entry. Signs reflecting this are to be displayed at Main Entrance to the venue and at all bars within the event grounds.
14. At busy periods when entry is being allowed to the site a trained drugs dog and handler and supporting search team may be positioned at the entrance to facilitate searching of ticket holders for controlled drugs.
15. Careful planning of the supply of alcohol in conjunction with Cumbria Constabulary will include controls to prevent excessive drinking and the supply of alcohol to minors. A documented proof of age policy, Challenge 25 will be adopted.
16. Off-sales of alcohol will not be permitted, from either the arena area or other bars on site, or from Aspatria Rugby Club, for the duration of the event, i.e. from 10.00 hours on Friday 18 July 2014 until 00.00 hours on the final day of the event, Sunday 20th July 2014.
17. SIA Security staff will look out for anyone under 18 years consuming alcohol. Notices will be clearly displayed at bars indicating that it is unlawful for persons under 18 to purchase alcohol and unlawful for adults to purchase alcohol for a person under 18 years of age.
18. Bar staff will be trained in how to recognise drunkenness and those under the influence of drugs. They will refuse service to customers who have consumed excessive alcohol and any person suspected to be under the influence of any controlled substance will be identified to SIA staff on site. They will be detained and Cumbria Constabulary will be informed.
19. The Head of Security will keep a record of all incidents relating to entry, disruptive behaviour, possession of weapons and controlled substances. The incident book will be available to view by the relevant authority.
20. The DPS will keep a record of all incidents occurring in relation to the bars and sale of alcohol, including a Refusals Register.
21. The Festival will be active members of Aspatria Pub Watch Scheme and exclude banned individuals from the site. At least one of the Event organisers is to attend meetings on 14 May and 7 July at 10.30 hours at The Grapes Hotel, Aspatria.
22. A ‘Festival Safety Guide’ will be adopted and displayed on all marketing and promotional material. Cumbria Constabulary will advise on the content to address personal safety and crime prevention advice. Where space allows, full details will be published, otherwise a link to the Cumbria Constabulary’s website will be published.
23. The site capacity will be limited to 1500.
24. Security staff and Stewards will have an effective and tested radio system for communication.
25. At all times when the premises are open to the public the Head of Security shall be aware of the number of persons on the premises and shall give the information to an authorised Officer of the Council, a Fire Officer or a Police Officer, upon request.
26. No glass whatsoever may be brought onto site. No glass will be served at any bars. Only sealed plastic bottles of soft drinks may be brought onto the arena area.
27. Adequate lighting will be used on site and in particular on the main walking routes through the arena.
28. No person under 16 years of age may enter the arena unless accompanied by someone aged 25 years or over. One 25 year old may accompany a maximum of 4 under 16.
29. Efficient Lost Property Procedures will be adhered to by the organisers, property being correctly recorded and retained, steps to trace the owner and disposal routes after the event. Retention and disposal in line with Cumbria Constabulary procedures should be adhered to, being retention for 28 days and clear documentation in relation to disposal.
30. First Aid provision is required to be submitted, with details of company concerned and qualifications and numbers of staff, by 16.05.14.
31. Following submission of the Traffic Management Plan to Cumbria County Council, the granting of a Temporary Waiting Restriction as requested by Cumbria County Council Highways, to be obtained prior to the event and to be in place for the duration of the event. The date when this is granted will be relayed to Cumbria Constabulary by the Event Organisers as soon as it is notified.
32. The licensee shall appoint a suitably qualified and experienced noise control consultant, who shall liaise between all parties including the licensee/promoter, sound system supplier, sound engineer and the licensing authority on all matters relating to noise control.
33. During each Event, the noise control consultant shall be contactable by mobile telephone by Environmental Health.
34. If an officer of Environmental Health believes that the levels audible outside the premises are unacceptable then, at the request of the Officer, the noise control consultant shall adjust the volume of sound accordingly to the requirements of the officer.
35. The licensee and noise control consultant shall submit a detailed Noise Assessment and Noise Management Plan to the licensing authority at least 6 weeks prior to the first day of each Event and these shall take account of all regulated entertainment which will be provided during each Event including the number of stages and the location, orientation and operational times of each stage.
The Noise Assessment and Noise Management Plan shall include:
(a) noise predictions to assess noise levels at noise sensitive properties surrounding the Event site;
(b) details of the sound control and monitoring scheme that will be put into place to minimise noise levels to achieve compliance with the conditions of this licence. The contents of the Noise Assessment and Noise Management Plan are subject to the written approval of the licensing authority prior to the Event taking place. The Event will be operated in accordance with these documents.
36. The licence holder, representative or noise control consultant shall conduct regular assessments (hourly) of the noise coming from the festival site during periods of live and recorded music and shall take steps to reduce the level of noise where it is likely to cause a disturbance to local residents.
A written record shall be made of those assessments in a log book kept for that purpose and shall include the time and date of the checks, the person making them and the results including any remedial action.
A copy of these logs should be maintained and submitted to Environmental Health within seven days of the event.
37. At least two weeks prior to each Event, the licensee shall provide Environmental Health with the names and contact details for the various individuals who have been identified by them to ensure compliance with the conditions.
38. At least two weeks prior to each Event a letter shall be circulated to local residents, identified by the Noise Management Plan, detailing the start and finish times of the Event and the time(s) of any sound checks, and a dedicated telephone number for noise complaints.
39. A complaints log shall be maintained throughout each Event, detailing addresses of complainants, telephone numbers, times of complaint and action taken to investigate and resolve (if required). A copy of the complaints log will be submitted to the Responsible Authority for Environmental Health within 7 days of the end of each Event.
40. The sound systems for each stage shall be set up as detailed in the Noise Assessment and Noise Management Plan which shall be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the licensing authority prior to each Event.
41. Unrestricted access to the front of house position and backstage areas shall be allowed at all times to Environmental Health for the purpose of sound level measurements, communications with the nominated noise consultant/sound engineer and monitoring licence conditions.
42. The Event Co-ordinators shall ensure that they have sufficient competent staff to allow for proactive and reactive monitoring of noise levels to take place at noise sensitive premises around the site. In the case of multiple noise complaints, this will ensure that they are able to address the complaints in a timely and efficient manner.
43. The site must be ready for inspection on the Thursday prior to the event. All stages and equipment must be in place and the event coordinator and noise control consultant will be available during this inspection and sound check.
44. Noise measurements outside of the site shall be taken as the noise consultant considers necessary and in response to any complaints received. Noise levels resulting from each Event shall not exceed an average of 55dB over 15min period between the hours of 12:00 and 23:00, and shall not exceed an average of 50dB between the hours of 23:00 to 01:00 at all noise monitoring locations as agreed by Environmental Health.
45. A suitable electrical certificate signed in by a competent person stating that any electrical installations used for regulated entertainment have been inspected and tested and are in a safe working condition shall be available on site for inspection by an authorised officer of the licensing authority.
The electrical certificate shall include
(a) the earthing of generators
(b) the power supply and installation
(c) the lighting circuit and equipment
46. Each socket outlet or individual socket outlets used for regulated entertainment shall be protected by an integral residual current device (RCD) having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30mA (0.03 amps). Every such circuit and RCD shall be inspected by a competent person prior to the event. A satisfactory and valid inspection report shall be available on site for inspection by an authorised officer of the licensing authority and be retained by the licence holder for a minimum of six months from the end of the event.
47. Each electrical socket and device provided for regulated entertainment must have a suitable ingress protection rating (IP rating) for it’s location on the site.
48. The event organiser must ensure all marquees, lighting rigs and other temporary structures are erected and dismantled in a safe manner by a competent person and maintained in a safe condition for the duration of the event.
49. Based on a 50:50 split (male : female) the minimum toilet provision must be.
Female - 1 wc per 100 females on site
Male - 1 wc per 500 males on site plus 1 urinal per 150 males onsite.
Wash hand basins with an adequate supply of soap and running water should be provided at a ratio of one per five toilets.
Additional, adequate and suitable toilet facilities shall be provided for the use of disabled individuals.
The toilets shall be indicated by suitable signage and properly and efficiently lit at all times.
The toilets and associated facilities shall be kept at all times in good order and repair and properly and effectively cleansed and maintained through out the duration of the event.
50. Adequate arrangements must be made for medical, ambulance and first aid management. The names of the first aiders must be identified and documented. Copies of individual’s first aid certificates must be available for inspection by an authorised officer of the licensing authority.
51. An adequate, continuous supply of potable water must be provided throughout the set up, running and breakdown of the event. The water supply must be available to anyone on site.
52. The licensing authority must be notified of the trading name, contact details and registered authority for every food vendor at least one month prior to the event start date. All food vendors must be registered with the local authority where the business originates.
53. Adequate provision must be made for the collection and suitable disposal of all waste water from all bars and food vendors.
54. The audience should not be allowed within 3 meters of any speaker. Where this is not practical and suitable evidence of justification is provided the overall music sound levels can be modified so that people closer than 3 meters to the loud speakers are not exposed to an event Leq of more than 107dB(A) or peak sound pressure levels of 120 dB. Under no circumstances should the distance between audience and loudspeaker be less than 1 meter.
55. The camping area shall be laid out according to the following conditions :
(a) Clear access roads must be maintained at all times across the site to allow access for emergency vehicles.
(b) No tent pitch shall be more than 92meters from a fire point. No caravan or campervan shall be more than 90 meters from a fire point.
(c) A fire point shall consist of two water (gas expelled) extinguishers each of 10 litre capacity and complying with British Standard 5423:1980 together with means of raising the alarm in the event of fire (e.g. manually operated sounder , gong or hand operated siren)
(d) Where there is a likelihood of fire spreading due to vegetation catching fire, suitable beaters, of the type used by the Forestry Commission should also be provided at each fire point.
(e) All fire points must be clearly marked.