1. I/we aim to ensure that the hotel is free from nuisance of any kind and will, in the interest of public safety, adhere to all the points raised in the prevention of crime and disorder. Our staff will be fully trained to ensure this. Our priority is to provide a safe and relaxing atmosphere for all our customers to enjoy.
2. We will ensure that all personnel are fully trained in procedures which prevent crime and disorder.
3. A policy is in place to prevent the sale of alcohol to any persons under the age of 18.
4. No drinks shall be removed from the premises in an unsealed container and all drinks are to be served in shatterproof glass only.
5. All exits and escape routes will be kept clear and in good repair and shall be clearly marked.
6. All external routes shall be kept clear of snow and ice during winter months.
7. All curtains, hangings, decorations, upholstery, carpets, walls and ceilings will be maintained so that the fire retardancy standards are fully complied with.
8. A fire action notice will be prominently displayed detailing emergency steps to be taken if a fire is discovered or the fire alarm sounds.
9. Staff will be trained in the fire action procedure.
10. A fully qualified first aider will be on duty when members of the public are present.
11. All electrical, gas and fire alarm systems will be tested on an annual basis.
12. I/we ensure no nuisance shall be caused by noise coming from the premises or by vibration transmitted through the structure.
13. All waste materials shall be disposed of in an approved container and will conform with all hygiene standards.
14. No offensive smells shall be emitted from the building.
15. Children will only be allowed onto the premises when accompanied by an adult of 18 years and over.