1. The events are organised by responsible body - Keswick Victorian Fayre Committee.
2. The police will be notified and asked to patrol.
3. Health and Safety Risk Assessment will be carried out.
4. Appropriate insurance will be in place.
5. First Aid support will be provided by St. John Ambulance.
6. Announcements will be made by PA when needed.
7. Stewards will be provided by Keswick Lions and other local bodies - they will be fully briefed to provide assistance and control.
8. Organisers and Stewards to monitor alcohol providers.
9. Music to be kept to appropriate level and event stopped at finish time.
10. All litter to be removed by arrangement
12. All material used is of a family nature and for all ages.
13. All entertainment (e.g. Fun Fair) are safe.
14. Missing children announcements to be made by PA from the Main Stage.