1. We will take every precaution to safeguard the public using our premises.
2. There will be no alcohol consumed or sold on the premises.
3. We display fire notices for vacating the building should this arise.
4. We make regular checks on windows & doors.
5. Also we make regular checks on the car park during any entertainment after dark and during winter months.
6. So far we have had very little crime or disorder.
7. There will be no children allowed on the premises that are not accompanied by an adult with the exceptions of Rainbows Young Church.
8. Again, all windows & door furniture are inspected at regular intervals.
9. The fire service regularly checks the premises.
10. The fire extinguishers are maintained on contract.
11. We have people to man the doors to prevent any doorway loitering.
12. All doors and windows will be closed during any performance of any kind to muffle any noise.
13. Windows - most windows are high up on the walls in the old hall, and in the roof in the community hall.
14. We fully endorse child protection and as previously stated unaccompanied children are not allowed on the premises.