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Licensing Act Premises Search
  • Members of the public under the Licensing Act 2003, are able to either support or make representations in relation to applications in their consultation period.

Licensing Act 2003 - Premises Licence Register as at 10:40 on 18 February 2025

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Premises NameAddress
White Heather HotelThe Old Airfield, Kirkbride, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 5HW
White Oak61 Main Street, Great Broughton, Cockermouth, CUMBRIA, CA13 0YJ
Wigton Bowling ClubWest Road, Wigton, CUMBRIA, CA7 9RG
Wigton Market HallHigh Street, Wigton, CUMBRIA, CA7 9NJ
Wigton ParkPark Road, Wigton, CUMBRIA, CA7 9RA
Wigton Park Bowling ClubBowling Bower, Public Park, Park Road, Wigton, CUMBRIA, CA7 9RA
Wigton Rugby Union Football ClubLowmoor Road, Wigton, Cumbria, CA7 9QT
Wigton St. Johns Lodge of Freemasons 327 ClubMasonic Hall, Water Street, Wigton, CUMBRIA, CA7 9AN
Wild Duck InnBrow Side, Branthwaite, Workington, CUMBRIA, CA14 4SZ
Wild Zucchinis Bistro17 Station Street, Cockermouth, CUMBRIA, CA13 9QW
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